Wojciech Nowicki - Salki © czarne.com.pl

In his essay collection “Salki” Wojciech Nowicki goes on a leisurely travel through time and space. He plucks out the history of the Kresy ancestors from the past, creating a universal image of longing and fear. It is also a record of a journey to metropolises, cities, villages, and hamlets, a story about wandering in the world, “with homes in the back of the head, and a feeling of homelessness.” Nowicki leaves Poland, takes more seemingly chaotic trips to understand, to revive, and to make peace with his ancestors. Unfortunately it turns out that the Kresy Arcadia which lasts in the memory suffers defeat when faced with reality.

Wojciech Nowicki | Writer, photography exhibitions curator, food critic. His book “Dno oka. Eseje o fotografii” got to the final stage of the 2011 Nike Literary Award. The 2013 “Salki” won the Gdynia Literary Prize in the “Essay” category.
