

© Bartosz Konstrat

Laureate of the story competition that was held before the first edition of the Zygmunt Haupt Festival (2015). Born in 1977 in Lublin, he lives in Warsaw. Poet, playwright, audiovisual and literary translator. Author of the poetry volumes: “thanatos jeans” (2005, main prize in the Jacek Bierezin Competition), “traktaty konstrata” (2008), “samochody i krew” (ha!art, 2009, nomination for the Silesius prize), and “dzika kość. encyklopedia utraconych szans” (2013, main prize in the Ratoń Competition, nomination for the Silesius prize), “własny holokaust” (2015, main prize in the Tyska Zima Poetycka Competition). He has also written the play “Powietrze. Opowieść o kraju i planecie” (premiered at the Druga Strefa Theatre in Warsaw, 2013). His works translated into English, German, Lithuanian, Latvian, Bulgarian and Basque.