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Darek Foks © fot. Jacek Foks

Poet, writer of prose, and screenwriter. He is part of the editorial board for the monthly “Twórczość,” where he is responsible for the prose section. Awarded the main prize in the “bruLion” poetry competition, the Natalia Gall Award, and – together with Zbigniew Libera – TVP Kultura Award for the book “Co robi łączniczka,” to name a few. His publications include “Ustalenia z Maastricht,” “Wielkanoc z tygrysem,” and “Debordaż.” His works have been published in the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, the USA, Ukraine, and the UK. “Kebab Meister,” published by ha!art, was nominated for the 2013 Gdynia Literary Prize. In 2014 Foks won the Wroclaw Silesius Poetry Award, and his tome of poetry “Rozmowy z głuchym psem” has been nominated for the Nike Literary Award and the Gdynia Literary Prize.