meeting with an authormoderator


Jarosław Klejnocki © fot. Bartłomiej Kwasek, StacjaPR

Author, poet, essayist, and literary critic. Assistant professor at the University of Warsaw’s Institute of Applied Polish Studies (IPS), and director of the Adam Mickiewicz Museum of Literature. Author of 10 volumes of poetry (the last of which, titled “W proch,” 2011, was published only as an e-book), several volumes of essays as well as critical and research books (recently: “Literatura w czasach zarazy,” 2006), a autobiographical novel (“Jak nie zostałem menelem,” 2002), and three crime novels (recently: “Człowiek ostatniej szansy,” 2010). He runs a literary criticism blog – “Raptularz końca czasów” ( and the museum blog “Poza regulaminem” ( Co-wrote (with his wife) the book “Próba miłości. Jak pokochać cudze dziecko” (Czarne, 2014). Member of the Polish Writers’ Association (SPP) and the Polish PEN Club. Awarded scholarships by the USA government (1992), the Research Support Scheme program for scholars from East-Central Europe (1996-1999). Repeated holder of the University of Warsaw’s JMR academic scholarship, as well as the creative scholarship from the Polish Minister of Culture. Honoured with the UNESCO World Poetry Day Award in 2011.